17 Şubat 2013 Pazar
Almost Famous
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I had a very exciting moment last week that I thought I should share with all of you.
See that? That's me! That's us! That's my name and this blog mentioned on page 21 of Better Homes and Gardens Magazine! They contacted me awhile ago about providing some expert answers for a Spring Cleaning feature they had coming up...but I wasn't sure if my answer would be selected (even after we emailed a few times going over details). And honestly, I almost missed the mention in the magazine because it ended up not being part of a feature on spring cleaning, but instead used on one of the opening pages of the magazine as a teaser for an entire article they did on closet cleaning. That was my tip- start your spring cleaning with your closets! Anyway, it's super exciting- and not because I got paid for it (because I didn't), and not because it will bring a ton of traffic here (because it probably won't), but just because it feels like an enormous pat on the back. I can't help but feel proud because this little blog is something that I absolutely built from the ground up. One day, I just hit publish and decided to share my thoughts with the world...and now somehow my name is in Better Homes and Gardens Magazine. So if you're reading this, thank you. If you ever shared one of my projects of posts on FB or Twitter or email- thank you. If you are a newer reader, welcome! And if you've been with me from the start- I can't say enough how much it means to me to have you here.
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