13 Kasım 2012 Salı

Blog Fav: Nesting Place

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What are you reading lately?

I'm a blog-aholic, and my husband is continually amazed at how much time I can spend reading stuff online. Yes I read the news too...but probably  not as much as I read other stuff.

I thought that periodically I'd share with you some of what I've been reading. Over the past month or so one blog has continually found itself "marked as unread" so that I can come back to the posts and check them out again.

source: The Nesting Place
The Nesting Place is a blog that runs on the slogan- It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful. Amen! It is one of my favorites because not only does she share tons of photos of her home, but she is constantly changing things up. She's more than willing to admit what works and what doesn't work, and will take her readers through  her train of thought as she tries to find the perfect fit.

Her series of laundry room makeovers is a favorite of mine.

I also like her honesty about having beautiful stuff vs. too much stuff. It's a topic that she's written about a few times, but this particular post stuck out to me because I agree that we all need a little bit of white space in our lives!

So if you have a minute, pop over and read a few of her posts. Also, I'm always willing to add to my blog addiction, so please tell me what you're reading and re-reading these days.

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